Monday, December 28, 2009

Want Vs. Need

I think about this a lot. There are a lot of things that I totally, completely, absolutely want. But do I need them? As an adult (halfway there, I think), Christmas becomes a tug of war between want and need. Should I ask for a set of pots and pans that I need since my current set is falling apart? Or do I ask Mom and Dad for some lotions and clothes and jewelry that I really, really want? Of course, at this stage in the game, I did the latter. I didn't really need that diamond necklace, but man did I want it.

Knowing many people that are unemployed, I feel like Christmas can present a challenge. It is very hard to watch family and friends buy mountains of gifts for their loved ones and for you not to be able to purchase much, if anything. I won't name names, but a certain someone had a mighty hard time finding a gift for his girlfriend and the whole thing ended up with two pretty unhappy individuals. Be open-minded you say, well that can be hard when you want your significant other to mind read and figure out the perfect gift for you. I think having realistic expectations is a little more reasonable for this situation. Whatever.

So Christmas came and went, officially. Luckily December 26th was chock full of excitement this year, since typically it is a day where I feel crushing depression. There was a reunion of sorts and it was one of those occasions where you are excited to be there, but afraid of what may or may not happen during the event. Everything went well, but I most certainly felt it the next day.

Looking forward to 2010 and all of the things I want to buy. In no particular order:

(courtesy "Carlita" boot)

(courtesy of, "Amalfi" medium shoulder bag)

(courtesy of, Almond Shower Oil)

(courtesy of, Theory "Zuma" cardigan)

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