Sunday, August 22, 2010

Heading out West

I am taking a trip to Colorado with my mom. Beyond excited, I feel invigorated by the Colorado air. I also have had enough of the NY and all of the people I have had to fight for parking spots. I'm definitely ready to take a break. I may or may not have cell phone service out there and I'm not sure how I feel about it. Kind of awesome to take a break from the world for a hot second, but I might feel a little naked without my Blackberry glued to my hand. Right now my mind is going to my packing plan. I have a friend who I watched write out a packing list during a class.

I loved every second of it! I always get that guilty feeling when I know I'm not paying attention in class, but I look on longingly at my fellow classmates as they draw their names in bubble letters, compile to do lists and leave their cell phones on their desks. That's a big one for me, leave the cell on the desk or hide it in my bag? In the second scenario, I obsessively check my phone every minute or so looking for a blinking red light indicating a message. Do I have ANY friends? The fact that I judge this on a little red blinking light is a bit off. I guess it's clear that I will feel a bit of withdrawal from not having my phone on hand.

Either way, I still do need that packing list! After obsessively checking the weather and touching base with my mom about outfit ideas, I think I have an idea of what to bring. Colorado is blissful in the fact that there is no humidity (or if there is, it lasts for a few hours at most), so I don't have to worry about a halo of frizz resting above my hairline. The low level of humidity will also create the need for more clothes since it's supposed to be in the 60s. Awesome! I am so ready for my chunky, comfy brown Frye boots. I haven't worn jeans in months and I'm afraid of sliding them over my still sunburned legs. Ouch! No matter how much sunscreen I apply, a long sliver of skin always ends up red, itchy and hot.

I've been pale for 24 years, when will I learn?! So I'm thinking jeans, scarves, hiking boots and some sweaters. As usual, I will channel my style icon for looking good in basics: Jennifer Aniston. I think I somehow convince myself that I look like her when I put on jeans, a scarf and a t-shirt, but I think we all know the truth. I'll still try anyway.

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