Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What Kind of Music Do You Like?

I am in love with XM/Sirius. Between satellite radio and DVR I have blissfully deleted commercials from my life. I am in the process of converting all friends and family to this way of life. Be warned! I am a die hard Classic Vinyl fan but have recently been cheating with a new genre of music that I am unhealthily obsessed with. I can now recite almost all the words to any recent country song. Yes, I love the Highway on Sirius/XM. I do not live anyway near Nashville or the South for that matter, but I'm loving the country offerings in music right now. Sugarland and Little Big Town have such great sounds and they make car rides that much better. My boyfriend and best friend have helped me to jump on the country bandwagon and I'm lovin' it.

When I was younger, music was always a sensitive topic for me. My insecurities always got the best of me and I wrongfully assumed that people would think my taste in music was weird. Well guess what, that's the whole point! How fun is it to start talking to a person and find out that they listen to musicians you've never heard of. I then rush home and click through iTunes determining if this new music suits me. If it doesn't, I usually just assume I'm uncool and will eventually come around to this person's favorites.

Music always brings me back to certain dates, locations and feelings; how incredible. When I re-listen to mixed CDs and albums, I can distinctly remember the time in my life when I played that music on repeat. Many a high school night was made better by music. I would say our H.S. theme song was probably "Ignition" by R. Kelly. Every time I hear it, I picture my friends and I driving through our town.

What kind of music do you like? Do you get uncomfortable telling people?

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