Sunday, August 30, 2009

Back with a vengeance

So I'm back, took a quick little break due to yet again not having a ton to write about. Clearly summer is coming to a close and as usual it's bittersweet. This is my second summer that will be ending without school starting, but I have a feeling I will keep myself busy with some school work! ;) I have spent the last month catching up on all things stupid on television and trying to truly catch up on some reading. A few amazing books that I have managed to finish this summer The Namesake (Jhumpa Lahiri is serious business), Mystic River, It Sucked and then I Cried (could Heather Armstrong of "Dooce" be any more brilliant?!) and a few others maybe not important enough to mention. It feels fantastic to be reading again after having a job that sucked all of the life out of me from 9-5. By the time I made it home from said job, my brain only wanted crappy television and my belly wanted lots of food. Now, I still have plenty of space for the crappy television, but room for books!

Reading has always been a passion/hobby of mine much to the dismay of some outdoorsy family members/friends. How about I read outside? Does that count? Yes, yes I think it does. On the flip side, I have friends who would prefer that I get ridiculously wasted and throw up instead of sitting on the couch with a good book. It's just so impossible to please!

During a moment of terrible television watching, I caught up on the latest from Kourtney and Khloe Kardashian. Little did I know that Kim Kardashian does not drink. Shocking! She sounded just like me when her sisters recounted that she HATES the taste of alcohol and her mom said she wasn't really the life of the party. At the end of the episode, Kourtney and Khloe admitted (after Kim threw up all night) that they needed to accept Kim as is: non-drinker, still fun. I always wonder why it is hard for people when I choose not to drink. I am in no way a preacher against alcohol (on the contrary, I have volunteered many a time to be the solo non-drunk who drags the drunks out of the bar and gets them safely home), but I still get the negative vibes sent my way for not holding a double g&t. Seriously guys, does it matter? I don't judge you for being sloppy, don't judge me for being classy! (Just kidding!)

Thank you Kardashian sisters for teaching some important lessons on your show, what would we do without you?!

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